For Just €21,33 You Can Send One Child To School For One Month.

Make A Difference

Door ondertekening van dit formulier geeft u toestemming aan de FOFIE FOUNDATION om doorlopende incassoopdrachten te sturen naar uw bank om een bedrag van uw rekening af te schrijven en aan uw bank om doorlopend een bedrag van uw rekening af te schrijven overeenkomstig de opdracht van de FOFIE FOUNDATION. Als u het niet eens bent met deze afschrijving kunt u deze laten terugboeken. Neem hiervoor binnen 8 weken na afschrijving contact op met uw bank. Vraag uw bank naar de voorwaarden.

By signing this form you give permission to the FOFIE FOUNDATION to collect recurring donations from you via your bank, and permits your bank to charge an amount off of your account and to charge a recurring amount, corresponding to the amount selected above, in accordance with the FOFIE FOUNDATION. If you do not agree with the write off you may have the amount returned onto your account. To do this contact your bank within 8 weeks of the charge being made on your account. Please ask your bank for the terms.

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Become a Donor at the Fofie Foundation

1. Choose an amount

The amount you donate matters, €21,33 provides education to one Ghanese child for one whole month, including two meals a day.

2. Choose how often you wish to help

If you want to contribute monthly, to send one child to school for as long as you donate, you can select this option. These donations are vital for the foundation to keep the school running.

3. Enter your information

In order for the FOFIE FOUNDATION to be able to collect the donation through your bank, we must know certain pieces of information about you.

4. Congratulations

Congratulations on your contribution! After you have submitted the form you are helping communities in Ghana and allowing children to pursue a quality education fostered by the FOFIE FOUNDATION.


In the case you wish to cancel your donation, you can do so via your banking app, the FOFIE FOUNDATION will then consider this as your wish to cancel. You can always email for questions about your donation.

Your donation will give a child access to quality education, and give them two vital meals a day, as well as a roof above their head during the day.